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Photos and Words by Sina



(copyright) ©

Places - Another Creature





Days of old reveal what you will.
Desires to behold dream your every dream.
Pantomime the nights of a fool.
Jesters like us come and go,
pleasing every king and queen.
Walls of Ston protect what you must.
Time will survive us all
in the dimensions we hide.

My Hero


I know I am lucky to know

in advance.

Some say it's a curse

to know in advance.

But I would rather know,

than be surprised.

My hero,

My protector,

My dad.

Larger than life.

I love you

and I am not ready

to let you go.



The quiet friends of darkness and light
I've heard play the music.
I hear their anger
Their pain,
Love for wandering lost
In thoughts
And music.
Traditions come alive
And fusions of madness and love
Create the music.
Names are heard
And secrets revealed
Nations speak
As cello tangos apertures of my ears
In the medium of music.
Blindly I walk,
In the silence
And in vacuum of sound
And when my days are done
I live,
I die,
And come back to life
As I am sentenced
Then caressed and forgiven
By the sounds of music.
And then,
And there,
I learned
And understood
The meaning of it all,
Of life
And being in love
With you
And music.
Say nothing
And let my soul mingle
With the sound of your heart beat
As we smile
To the music.


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